Sunday, September 26, 2010

4th post

industry and institution factors influenced the formation of the radio industry by turning radio into a marketing machine.

the capitalist economy we all know and love means that those with the most money get to influence media, if they're willing to spend a little. most industries will sponsor a show in return for mention of their product. These people with the money inevitable control the fate of the shows they decide to pay for.

Before, when point to point interfaces were being used on the first radio sets, radio was primarily used as a means of communicating over long distances. Since broadcasting become the norm, corporations saw a new way to advertise their merchandise right into the homes and ear canals of the masses. sponsors became the driving force behind many of the programming that came onto the popular radio scene. the radio industry became centered around the concept of the sponsored programming.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

3rd post

The media has influenced all levels of society that bear witness to it. For the most part people don't fully realize the amount of social learning we receive from advertising, but, in reality, the majority of concepts and notions we have about certain things are in directly result of advertising.

Social learning is the collective experience of a particular society that learns the same things in the same manner: in this case advertising. There are two theories of the effects: strong and limited. limited effects are more selective are required active participation by the audience while the strong theory states some concepts and ideas are injected right into our psyches.

Examples of limited effects are more common place. typically influence by peer groups and the result of the multiple mediums people have access to. the Strong effects can be more closely related to propaganda.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2nd post

The concept of Hegemony is one that is very applicable especially in our globally linked world.

 Hegemony is the result when competing forces finally come to an end with a clear and decisive top dog: the Hegemon. This entity now has the power to exert its will over the lesser entities that vied for the position. That will can be any number of things: ideals, values or just the things the Hegemon wants to promote.

An example of a Hegemon is the United States when dealing with world politics. The US promotes in economic ideology of Capitalism and anyone who disagrees is a terrorist. The US fought off the Soviet Union for the position and has resulted in the USSR's disintegration. The US's reach touches all corners of the global is the main facilitator of global politics.